Wheelchair user asked to come forward after assault offense

Wheelchair user asked to come forward after assault offense
Victim wanted
Heinsberg police
Give a hint!
Heinsberg police

Erkelenz - On Wednesday, November 27, the police were informed at around 11.25 a.m. that an assault had been committed against a wheelchair user on Kölner Straße.

At the scene, the police officers met a witness who had observed that an elderly man in a wheelchair had been beaten by a previously unknown perpetrator. However, the injured party had already left by the time the police arrived.

While the officers were recording the report, they received information that another assault had occurred at the station. Another man had been punched in the face by an unknown person.

The suspect was found shortly afterwards in the street Konrad-Adenauer-Platz. He is a 41-year-old man who also matches the description of the fugitive from Kölner Straße. He was obviously under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crime, was taken into custody and taken to the police station.

In order to clarify the crime, the police are asking the wheelchair user who was beaten on Kölner Straße to contact the police crime department in Erkelenz on 02452 920 0. It is also possible to provide information via the Heinsberg police website or via the direct link: https://polizei.nrw/artikel/anzeige-hinweis

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110